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Google mysteries or to good for its own good

One fine day I recv a mail from a stranger, well every1 is so here on the big bide borled of beb... the comlaint if it cud be called so waz, why the hell s/he get my site on top in google on searching for his/her ISBN # 0-9734823-0-3. Initially thought it to be another marketing gimmik for promoting the site by sending these curious to click spam mailz. Nehow contrary to the negative thought.. later in the day/s found this query mentioned on Google Answers. The answer guy did a brilliant sherlok 'omes and come up with a valid ans. 4/5 points to him!
BUT the myster remains as to why wud any1 come all the way to my corner in the world just to search for that thingee? ne more sherlockz around!

- Amit Agarwal posted on April 20, 2004 10:25 PM IST
Who said what?

He he! A sweet mystery, eh? I think so. For me, the mystery is not why/who searched that thingy on your site, but its rather WHY THE HELL anybody would want to search THAT thing _at all_? (No offence to Morley Evans, though)

By E from on May 16, 2004 10:21 AM IST

Great site, was just reading and doing some work when I found this page

By big fat black from on June 28, 2005 08:09 AM IST
What do you say?

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